Why Is the Turn Signal Blinking Fast and How Do I Fix It?

Turn signals are essential for sufficient driving conditions. They allow a driver to alert other drivers of turns and hazards, making for a safe driving environment for all. Problems with turn signals oftentimes cause them to blink fast. If this happens, you might be wondering why your turn signal is blinking fast and how you can fix it.

Continue reading to learn why your turn signal is blinking fast and how you can solve the problem. Sometimes, it may require a professional automotive technician to fix your fast-blinking turn signal. Typically, however, the fix is quick, simple, and affordable. Below are the main reasons your turn signal is blinking fast as well as common ways to solve the problem.

Why Is My Turn Signal Blinking Fast?

You might just assume your turn signal blinks fast if you have an old car, but chances are that you will notice a problem upon further inspection. A faulty turn signal can be detrimental to yourself and other drivers.

Luckily, turn signals blink fast as a precautionary measure to let you know something is up. So, why is your turn signal blinking fast? The following are the main reasons you might have a faulty turn signal.

Failed Bulb

The most common cause of a fast-blinking turn signal is a failed bulb. You have four turn signal bulbs in your car: one on each side of your headlights and taillights. When illuminated, these lights blink to show your intent to turn or act as hazard lights in an emergency. As with any other electrical feature of your car, turn signal lights can give out after extended use, damage, and more.

If one of your turn signals goes out, the other light on the same side will likely blink fast upon engagement. Similarly, the interior, green arrow you see in your car will illuminate and sound quicker than usual. If your turn signal is blinking fast, it is important to check for a failed bulb. Just because you may have a working bulb on the front of your car does not mean you do not need the same turn signal on the back.

Incorrect Bulb

Another aspect of your bulbs that can cause problems is if you are using an incorrect bulb. Suppose you replace a turn signal bulb because it has been blinking fast. However, when you put the new bulb in, it may continue blinking fast. This could be due to the fact that the new bulb you bought is not compatible with your car.

Before buying new turn signal bulbs, make sure you know the exact type to buy. Typically, within an automotive shop or section of a store, there will be a pamphlet showing the bulbs your specific car needs for different functions. Flip through to find exactly what you need before wasting time and money on another faulty bulb.

Poor Ground Connection

Sometimes, the problem is not a result of a bad bulb. For the next two instances, consider how a turn signal works. It takes power from your car’s battery, sends a current through a circuit and to the indicator, and then follows a path to signal the bulbs. If any part of this process is connected poorly or damaged, it can result in a fast-blinking turn signal.

If the connection from the battery to the indicator is not secure, it can result in a lack of sufficient current. Disrupting the required voltage needed to flash the turn signals may cause your turn signals to blink fast. If there is a poor connection from the indicator to the bulb, the same problem can occur. The interior wiring must be properly connected to function.

Damaged Wires

Damage to the interior system can also cause problems. Whether it be from weather, overuse, an animal, or anything else, your turn signal connection may get damaged. Disconnected, torn, or burned wires will not be able to work correctly, which can make your turn signal blink fast. It is also problematic as any damage to your vehicle can put yourself and others in danger.

Damaged wires are certainly less likely than something such as a faulty bulb, but it should still be considered. As you will learn shortly, if you cannot locate what is wrong on the exterior, it might take some digging to find out the source of the problem. So, while wiring problems are not as common, it is still useful to recognize them as an option.

Worn Battery

On a larger scale, your turn signal may be blinking too fast if your car battery is old or damaged. If you have owned the same car for a long time, you are probably all too familiar with the inconvenience of having to go buy a new battery. It can be a hassle, but it is essential for a functional car.

If your battery is worn out, it can prevent power from going to certain fuses. If this happens to be the fuse for your blinker, it may cause your turn signal to blink fast. In the same way, worn or blown fuses can disrupt the turn signal blink. If you suspect this may be the problem, it is best to act as quickly as possible to avoid further problems with your car.

How to Fix a Fast-Blinking Turn Signal

Now that you know the most common causes of a turn signal that is blinking fast, it is useful to learn how to fix the problem. As mentioned, a faulty turn signal is serious. Turn signals are one of the most recognizable resources for alerting other drivers of your next move. So, how do you fix a fast-blinking turn signal?

Above all, if you do not have any experience with car problems, it might be best to call a professional for help. On the other hand, there are basic steps to follow in fixing a turn signal that blinks too fast.

Check or Replace Your Bulbs

As failed bulbs are the most common cause of a turn signal that blinks fast, you should start with them first. Fortunately, they are also the easiest problem to recognize. First, turn your blinker on; flip it to whichever side results in a fast blink. If someone is with you, have them check to see if one of the bulbs on the side of the fast-blinking is not on.

If the turn signal bulb is out, there is your problem. However, it is not always that easy. Even if the bulb turns on, it could still be the bulb’s fault. Locate the light compartments on the corners of your car. For the headlights, you will typically be able to access these from the hood. Taillight systems will likely provide access from the interior of the trunk.

Remove and look at the turn signal bulbs on the side of the fast-blinking indicator. If the bulbs are broken, cloudy, or smoky on the inside, they are probably the source of your fast-blinking turn signal. When you buy replacement bulbs for your old bulbs, make sure to follow the advice mentioned, picking out the correct bulbs for the specific make and model of your car.

Observe Wiring

If you cannot find any problems with your bulbs, it may be a wiring issue. Remember, if you do not have automotive experience, especially when working with electrical wires, you should not try fixing this problem on your own. Call a professional for any work outside of your comfort zone.

If you do know what you are doing, take a look at the wiring. Check to see if any of the connections from the battery to the indicator or the indicator to the bulbs are unstable or damaged. If there is a poor connection, you may be able to simply secure it yourself.

For damaged wires, the process can require more work. It cannot be stressed enough that professional technicians are the best options for sorting out a problem such as this. You do not want to make the wrong move and cause immense damage to your car or pose the risk of injury to yourself and anyone else around you.

Clean the Interior Hood

Keeping the underhood of your car in good condition is essential to maintaining solid connections and allowing your car battery to function how it needs to. Of course, most people may not intentionally leave an old towel or oil can under their hood after use, but crazier things have happened.

If you spend a lot of time under the hood of your car, make sure you keep it clean. Grease, dirt, or anything else where it should not be could coat the wiring of your turn signal and cause it to malfunction. When trying to find the source of your fast-blinking turn signal, make sure the inner workings of the system are not blocked or dirtied by anything.

Keeping the undercarriage of your car in shape is also good for preliminary upkeep. Taking precautions is never a bad thing when working with your car. Maintaining a clean area for your engine and battery to work can improve their functions and help prevent wiring problems from affecting your turn signal.

Replace Blinker Fuse

If you have a blown blinker fuse, you will need to replace it. Again, make sure you get the proper fuse manufactured for your specific vehicle. Once you find it, replacing your blown fuse can be a bit of a hassle. However, it does not take much to learn how to do it.

In most cases, there will be a fuse box located underneath your dashboard. This fuse box has the fuse for your blinker. You can locate the fuse box by looking down and to the left of your steering wheel. There should be an easily accessible compartment in which you can remove a small lid. After taking it off, you can unplug the fuse box and take it out of the compartment for a more practical fix.

Locate the blinker fuse and remove it, making sure that you do so properly. Replace the open hole with your new fuse. Depending on the car you have and the type of fuse box you are working with, you may have to insert the new fuse in a certain direction. After replacing the fuse, insert the fuse box back into the compartment, connect it, and reset the lid covering.

Test Car Battery

If you cannot seem to find the problem in the bulbs, wiring, or fuse, it may be a result of your car battery. In this case, you may need to test your battery. This is most easily done with a battery tester that can show you the voltage output of your battery. If you have a battery tester, simply follow the directions in attaching it to your battery and see how it functions.

If the battery output shows less voltage than it should, this could be a sign that your battery is worn out. Thus, it is probably the reason your turn signal is blinking fast. Additionally, it means that you are going to need to go buy an entirely new battery.

Not everyone has a battery tester. It can be more challenging to test your car battery without one. Some people claim that their homemade methods are fool-proof, but you can never be too sure. It is best to take your car into a shop to have it checked out, rather than testing it yourself by checking the dimness of the headlights or something of the like.

Call a Professional

As has been emphasized, you should contact a professional automotive technician if you do not have experience working with your car. Even if you do know what you are doing, you may also need to call them if you cannot find the source of your fast-blinking turn signal.

Though it will cost more money to have a professional look at it, the benefits outweigh the price in the long run. It is better to be reassured that your fast-blinking turn signal problem is fixed than to be halfway sure that you did it yourself. When in doubt, choose to have the job done correctly.

Final Words

Several causes can affect the speed of your turn signal. Most of the time, it can be an easy fix, but in more complex cases, it is best to get professional help. If your turn signal is blinking fast, make sure you act quickly to resolve the problem.

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